The TRS-80 Color Computer is a radical piece of vintage tech from the early wild computer days. It was one of the first personal computers to have color graphics, and it was released way back in 1980.
The TRS-80 Color Computer (nicknamed “CoCo”) was designed for everyday people, not just businesses and tech wizards, so it had a pretty accessible reputation. Plus, it had a ton of cool features, like the ability to use both cassette tapes and floppy disks for storage. That was cutting edge back then!
TRS-80 Color Computer software
As far as software goes, there were tons of games and other programs available for the TRS-80 Color Computer. Some of the most popular ones were stuff like “Zaxxon” and “Star Trek”. Others lost gems include “Galactic Attack.” There were also pioneering educational programs, productivity tools, and all sorts of other fun stuff you could run on the TRS-80.
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One of the drawbacks of the TRS-80 Color Computer was that it didn’t have a ton of memory, so you couldn’t run super complicated programs on it. But, again, the machine was fun to use, especially if you were just into playing games and exploring the possibilities of early computing.
Tandy’s CoCompetition
The TRS-80 was up against some pretty stiff competition. There were other affordable personal computers on the market, like the Commodore VIC-20 and the Atari 400/800. But, the TRS-80 Color Computer was still one of the most popular computers of its time, and it still has a cult following to this day.
There were also a ton of cool accessories you could buy for the TRS-80 Color Computer. You could get a printer, a modem, extra memory, and all sorts of other groovy stuff to enhance your computing experience. Want your desk to look like a 1984 dorm room? Start hunting the online auctions for this stuff!
See also: Mattel Intellivision: 1980s Console That Nearly Beat Atari
Collecting TRS-80 Color Computer stuff now
All things considered, it’s not too hard to find hardware and software related to the CoCo. There are still lots of sellers offering these vintage computers. Be patient and you’ll be rewarded.
And as far as collecting goes, the TRS-80 Color Computer is definitely a fun one to focus on! It’s got a ton of history behind it, and it’s a fascinating look at the early days of personal computing. Plus, it’s just plain cool to have a piece of vintage tech in your collection. Whether you’re into playing old games, exploring the days of computing from back then, or replacing an old machine you should have kept, the TRS-80 Color Computer is definitely worth checking out.