Atari ST computer: Cut above the other retro classics

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Atari ST computer
Cut above the other retro classics


How would a sales pitch these days for the vintage Atari ST computer sound? You can hear it now…

Are you tired of the same old boring computer pitches? Ready for something completely unique and wacky? Look no further than the Atari ST computer. It’s always been the wild child of the vintage computer world!

The Atari ST is the complete opposite of your average, run-of-the-mill 1980s computer. It’s not sleek, polished, or fancy. It’s quirky, bold, and unlike anything else you’ve ever seen. This computer is perfect for those who want to stand out from the crowd and make a statement with their technology.

Why the Atari ST computer is for YOU

If you’re looking for a machine that’s not just practical, but also tons of fun, the Atari ST computer is perfect for you. This friend is jam-packed with vintage games and programs from the 80s and 90s. It’ll take you on a wild, nostalgic trip down memory lane. Whether you’re playing classic games or creating funky music with the MIDI-editor “Cubase” program, you’re sure to have a blast.

See also: Best Nintendo NES games: And collectible vintage hardware

A great computer history

Not only is the Atari ST a totally unique and wacky computer, but it also has a rich history. This computer was part of the innovative and groundbreaking technology of the 80s, and remains an important part of computing history. Use an Atari ST and you’ll be experiencing a fun and unusual computer. You’ll have a piece of history that you can proudly display and talk about. And who doesn’t love everything made by Atari?!

So why settle for a boring, typical vintage computer like a Commodore 128 or even Atari’s own 8-bit line? You can have a completely opposite and wild experience with the Atari ST! This computer is perfect for those who want to make a statement, and embrace their inner weirdness. If you have a totally unique and unforgettable computing experience, then go for it. Don’t be like everyone else – be bold and quirky with the Atari ST!

See also: TI99/4a collector guide: Texas Instruments’ classic vintage computer

Not bad huh! 

Atari ST computers and games for sale

Currently showing our favorite 148 offers from eBay vendors. Click for shipping details and money-back guarantee info. Atari ST computers and games listings are chosen using MegaMinistore's original custom technology. We show you only the latest and best listings from safe, trusted sellers. Offers are updated and refreshed every day.

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Showing 11 - 20 of 148

PC Ditto by Avante-Garde for Atari ST - NEW / SEALED - FREE SAME DAY SHIPPING

Seller: westlaketradingcompany ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.9% (6,995 ratings)
Location: United States

25% OFF
$51.75 or best offer

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PC Ditto by Avante-Garde for Atari ST - NEW / SEALED - FREE SAME DAY SHIPPING

Seller: westlaketradingcompany ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.9% (6,995 ratings)
Location: United States

25% OFF
$51.75 or best offer

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1986 Generic Software First CADD for Atari ST Computers 3.5" Floppy Disk 1.0

Seller: westlaketradingcompany ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.9% (6,995 ratings)
Location: United States

25% OFF
$52.49 or best offer

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NEC Handbook ,​ Pinplot V.1.2,​ XT/AT ,​ Laptops & Atari ST Diskettes 5 ¼ + 3.5' !

Seller: k-systems-store ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (2,074 ratings)
Location: Bulgaria

25% OFF
$72.29 or best offer

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Gotek Floppy Drive Emulator 435 MCU w/ Rotary Encoder OLED Display FlashFloppy

Seller: kghartley ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (442 ratings)
Location: Canada


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IMG Scan by SEYMOR-RADIX for the Atari ST

Seller: bidfraud ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (137 ratings)
Location: United States


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Atari ST (All models) Analog RGB-BNC Color Video Cable & Audio Connecter Tested

Seller: gdoinventer ★★★★★★★★★★ 99% (1,939 ratings)
Location: United States

$47.00 or best offer

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Seller: bashort0 ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (180 ratings)
Location: United States

$74.95 or best offer

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SmallyMouse2 Cased USB to Quadrature mouse interface for Atari ST

Seller: four-d-pi-shop ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.7% (6,036 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom


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NEW/SEALED Battleship (Atari ST,​ 1988,​ EPYX) Game Disk,​ Complete In Box!

Seller: shaneonthemoon ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (2,136 ratings)
Location: United States


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11 - 20 of 148

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