Western Australia rare stamps for philatelists and other buyers

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Western Australia rare stamps
for philatelists and other buyers


The Australian state of Western Australia first issued its own postage stamps in 1854, when it was still (along with the other Australian areas) a territory of Britain. These stamps, as most of the stamps that Western Australia would issue over the years, depicted a swan.

While the design on Western Australia postage stamps didn’t often stray from the swan, there are many varieties of philatelic collectibles, and many ways to collect Western Australia stamps. One niche area of stamps from this region are the telegraph fiscal stamps, the 1p version of which was allowed for postal use in 1886.

In 1893, more telegraph fiscals were okayed for mail use. Western Australia fiscal stamps bear the legend ‘INTERNAL REVENUE’.

More: Queensland rare stamps for philatelists and other buyers

The Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901, but Western Australia continued to issue its own stamps. In 1902, a year after the death of Queen Victoria, Western Australia issued stamps bearing a likeness of the queen, with the unusual name ‘WEST AUSTRALIA’ on the stamp. The last Western Australia stamps were made in 1912; the regular stamps of Australia were used from 1913 on.

In later years, Australian postage stamps, including maximum cards and souvenir sheets, with Western Australia themes and commemorations have been issued. In addition to the original Western Australia stamps and these occasional later pan-Australian issues, covers to, from, and within the state are often the subject of much attention in the marketplace.

See also: New South Wales rare stamps for philatelists and other buyers

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Western Australia stamps and postal collectibles for sale

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Showing 1 - 10 of 122

Western Australia Stamps Swan Selection Queen Victorian Used

Seller: stampconnoisseur ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (1,868 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom


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C1893 Western Australia Black Swan Australia State Stamp 1d Brown PS740

Seller: scavengeronline ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (2,374 ratings)
Location: Australia 


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AUSTRALIA 1858 Stamps MNH WESTERN AUSTRALIA Black Swan 4d Inverted tete-beche

Seller: yhstamps2020 ★★★★★★★★★★ 98.9% (16,208 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom

$12.88 or best offer

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FORGERY - Werner's FORGERY/REPLICA of Western Australia Lake Lefroy local

Seller: gemclassicstamps ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.6% (1,998 ratings)
Location: Slovakia

$14.99 or best offer

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Seller: saaphilnet ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (464 ratings)
Location: Argentina

$75.00 or best offer

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WESTERN AUSTRALIA,​ Queensland M&U examples (45 Stamps)2 Album Pages Not NYSTAMPS

Seller: thesportsdencards ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (38 ratings)
Location: United States
Ends: in 12h


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Western Australia 1902 fine used 2/6 stamp 4 ring CTO cancelled UPU submission

Seller: terrett101 ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.4% (2,655 ratings)
Location: United States
Ends: 1 day


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Seller: getonawinner ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (763 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom


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Western Australia,​ 1902,​ Scott #86,​ 5 shillings blue green,​ mint,​ hinged

Seller: 1101-89 ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (4,396 ratings)
Location: United States


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Western Australia 1882 2p yellow Swan,​ Scott 50 used,​ value = $3.00

Seller: outbiden ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.4% (1,876 ratings)
Location: United States
Ends: 2 days


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