Quaiti Sultanate of Shihr and Mukalla stamps for philatelists

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Quaiti Sultanate of Shihr and Mukalla
stamps for philatelists


In the eastern part of the Aden Protectorate sat a region called the Quaiti State in Hadhramaut, also known as the Quaiti Sultanate of Shihr and Mukalla. Near the Kathiri Sultanate, Quaiti (or Qu’aiti) issued its own stamps between 1942 and 1963 (similar to Kathiri). At the time, Aden was a British Protectorate.

Stamps from Quaiti are sought after by people who collect Middle East and Yemen stamps, as well as those who like colonial and British-related philatelic items. Quaiti became part of North Yemen in 1967 and its stamp system was ended. 

Quaiti stamps and postal collectibles for sale

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Showing 1 - 10 of 151


Seller: basubastas ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (2,731 ratings)
Location: Argentina

$236.00 or best offer

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1950's Capture Of Aden British Colonies Qu'aiti State Of Shihr And Mukalla

Seller: 1life2go ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (713 ratings)
Location: United States

$69.99 or best offer

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ZAYIX - Aden Hadhramaut MI 65-67 MNH Block Winston Churchill 080922X010

Seller: zayix ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (6,545 ratings)
Location: United States

$117.00 or best offer

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M1091 Aden-Shihr & Mukalla 1949 SG14/5 - 1948 Silver Wedding pair.

Seller: upa-global-price-drop-shop-system ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (17,075 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom


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M1092 Aden-Shihr & Mukalla 1951 SG20/7 - 1951 Definitives

Seller: upa-global-price-drop-shop-system ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (17,075 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom


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Aden (Shihr & Mukalla) 1963 set - Sg41-52 - MNH

Seller: lerou.uk2014 ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (23,922 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom

$45.26 or best offer

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ADEN (SHIHR & MUKALLA)-1951 Set to 5/- on 5r Sg 20-27 - fine used

Seller: lerou.uk2014 ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (23,922 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom

$48.57 or best offer

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Aden -Qu'Aiti State in Hadhramaut 1951 2s on 2r and 5s on 5r SG 26-27 FU CDS

Seller: roostamp ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (6,528 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom


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1942-46 ADEN Protector States QU'AITI State of SHIHR MUKALLA,​ SG n. 1/11 set of

Seller: filateliadesimoni ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (6,012 ratings)
Location: Italy


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Aden - Qu'Aiti State in Hadhramaut 1942-46 set SG 1-11 + 1a MH

Seller: roostamp ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (6,528 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom


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