A subset of Middle Eastern stamps that has grown in collectors’ circles is the area of Gaza postage stamps. Gaza stamps include several different varieties. Philatelists looking to add Gaza Strip stamps to their own collections can look for complete sets from a given year, or take a more comprehensive approach. For example, one of each type of Gaza stamp would cover all issuing authorities and would involve buying stamps issued by other countries that feature Gaza as a design subject.
Gaza Stamps: History and Varieties
Gaza has, for most of its stamp history, intersected to one degree or another with the Holy Land of Palestine, Israel, and Jordan. As mentioned, other nations too have produced Gaza postage stamps. You may be interested in any or all of these; one great thing about Gaza stamps is that hunting for new pieces intrinsically means going global in your search. Collecting Gaza stamps takes you to unexpected new lands.
Queensland rare stamps for philatelists and other buyers
Since 1994, Gaza and the West Bank have been united under the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). Postage stamps have been issued for Gaza and the West Bank (together).
Collecting Gaza Stamps Today
Collecting postage stamps and other philatelic materials specifically from Gaza Strip quite often means covers, or envelopes and postcards sent to, from, or within Gaza. Of course there are also several stamps honoring, or at least mentioning, Gaza from other countries. And new ones crop up from time to time. For example, Egypt once issued stamps commemorating its occupation of Gaza, while the PNA has issued stamps honoring the opening of an airport in Gaza Strip. All of these fit nicely into a Gaza stamp collection.
Browse 170 current Gaza postage stamps for sale offers here
Online marketplaces are the best venue for finding great Gaza stamps at competitive prices. Weigh the rarity and appeal of a given Gaza postage stamp for sale, make sure there are good scans and photos before you buy, and check the money back guarantees and seller’s feedback rating. Have fun touring the region, and the globe, with Gaza as your philatelic base!