Åland Islands rare stamps for philatelists and other buyers

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Åland Islands rare stamps
for philatelists and other buyers


The Åland Islands are an autonomous region of Finland, whose inhabitants speak Swedish, and who have been issuing their own postage stamps since 1984. With several souvenir sheets, maximum cards, and other collectibles, the stamps of Åland have proven popular with collectors.

The first series of Åland Islands stamps in 1984 used the same currency of Finland — 1 markka = 100 pennia. This first series showed various subjects related to the Ålands, including a map of the area, the flag, buildings, scenery, and wildlife. Åland Islands stamps have always used their Swedish name rather than the Finnish Ahvenanmaa.

The Åland Islands postal authorities quickly began issuing items to appeal to the international stamp collectors’ market, with periodic souvenir sheets and maximum cards being among the interesting items available. The stamp designs from the Ålands tend to effectively reflect the pride that the locals have in their region, with a nice balance between “old” subjects that recall the islands’ history, and bold new designs for modern subjects. In 2002, Finland and the Åland Islands discontinued the markka in favor of the euro; all Åland Islands stamps from that point have been in euros.

Browse 158 current Åland Islands stamps and postal collectibles for sale offers here

Check the current selection of Åland Islands postage stamps and collectibles for sale, including unhinged MNH stamps, airmail pieces, and other items. See also the stamps of Sweden and the stamps of Finland. 

Åland Islands stamps and postal collectibles for sale

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