Martinique‘s earliest stamps were used in 1886, and were French colonial stamps overprinted with either ‘MARTINIQUE’ or ‘MQE’, and a surcharge. In 1892, French colonial stamps were used with the ‘MARTINIQUE’ overprint in an empty box at the bottom (this design was used in several French colonies of the time). Some of these were themselves later surcharged.
Martinique finally got its own stamps in 1908, a series with many different denominations ranging from 1 centime to 5 francs; all of these stamps are fairly common and a complete set is well within the budget of most collectors. For the next few decades, Martinique would have a few more series (and overprints) issued, and these are virtually all affordable as well. Interesting covers from this era (and others) are a significant area of interest from collectors in general.
Barbados rare stamps for philatelists and other buyers
In 1947, Martinique issued its last stamps; from then on, as an overseas region of France, Martinique would use French stamps. Our collectible Martiniquais postage stamps, including subcategories like full sheets, blocks of stamps, revenue stamps, postage due items, air post pieces, and others, are in this section. Check the listings, which change daily.