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North Vietnam rare stamps
for philatelists and other buyers
North Vietnam stamps and postal collectibles for sale
Currently showing our top 11 listings from eBay. Click for shipping details and money-back guarantee info. North Vietnam stamps and postal collectibles listings are chosen using MegaMinistore's original custom technology. We show you only the latest and best offers from safe, trusted sellers. Sales are updated and refreshed every day.
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1972 North Vietnam Stamps Ho Chi Minh's Birthplace Scott # 663-664 MNH
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1971 North Vietnam Stamps Souvenir Sheet Hồ Chí Minh Scott # 624a MNH
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1974 North Vietnam Stamps Albanian, Vietnamese Flags, Women Scott # 752 MNH
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1967 North Vietnam Stamps Ho Chi Minh's Appeal for Nalt. Sc # 446-447 MNH
$3.60 or best offer
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1965 North Vietnam Stamps Afro-Asian Conference, 10th anniv. Scott # 346 MNH
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1964 North Vietnam Stamps People's Army 20th Anniv. Sc # 330-331 MNH
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1971 North Vietnam Stamps Hồ Chí Minh Scott # 621-624a MNH
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1976 North Vietnam Stamps Complete Orchids Scott # 822-829 MNH
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North Vietnam #182a MNH Souvenir Sheet
$49.00 or best offer
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CHINA PRC SC#529-30, 15th Anniv of North Viet Nam Republic C83 Mint H & MNH w/OG
$15.52 or best offer
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