Taiwan stamps: Postal collectibles from Formosa

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Taiwan stamps
Postal collectibles from Formosa


Taiwan’s stamp history begins in 1886, when the Chinese territory was issued its own stamps. Up until this point, Taiwan had been long known as Formosa, since 1544 when Portuguese explorers first saw the island and called it Ilha Formosa — “Beautiful Island”. After a period of Dutch colonization, China took over the island in 1662, using the local word rendered in English as Taiwan. (Both terms would continue to be used, even to the present day.)

Japanese rule of Taiwan

In 1895, Japan realized one of its ambitions by gaining complete control of the island of Taiwan. The Japanese ruled Taiwan for exactly 50 years, working hard to overcome local resistance and to fully incorporate the Taiwanese into Japanese society. In 1945, having lost World War II, Japan gave Taiwan back to China.

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However, at the very outset of Japan’s control over Taiwan, there was significant resistance and stamps to reflect it: in 1895, the so-called Black Flag Republic — more officially known as the Republic of Formosa — mounted a spirited revolt against Japan, including the issuance of its own stamps. Japan quelled the revolt with relative ease; the Black Flag Republic stamps are beloved by collectors now.

After WW2: Taiwan R.O.C.

From 1945 to 1949, Taiwan remained a part of China, though the changes in that larger country also had repercussions for the Taiwanese. And so, in 1949, Taiwan was given to the Republic of China, an entity which had begun in 1912 and which had at one time ruled over large parts of mainland China; most of the country was classified as the People’s Republic of China — i.e., modern-day mainland China. The P.R.O.C. considers Taiwan R.O.C. one of its autonomous territories. 

Taiwan stamps and postal collectibles for sale

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Chinese Postage Stamps- Taiwan Sightseeing Souvenir 16 Stamps Lunar New Year

Seller: amertreasures ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.6% (3,734 ratings)
Location: United States

$16.50 or best offer

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Seller: hashimziajafri ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (4,396 ratings)
Location: Canada

$39.99 or best offer

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Taiwan RO China 2013 Qing Dynasty Embroidery Peacock SILK MS Mnh

Seller: rtan_2005 ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.4% (5,833 ratings)
Location: Singapore

$7.98 or best offer

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Table Tennis Racket Hinoki Taiwan Galaxy Custom Shake Fl Z1

Seller: japanselectgoodsmart ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (43 ratings)
Location: Japan


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Taiwan RO China 2013 Qing Dynasty Embroidery Peacock SILK Complete 5V on FDC

Seller: rtan_2005 ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.4% (5,833 ratings)
Location: Singapore

$19.98 or best offer

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Butterfly Timo Boll T5000 Fl 94.3G

Seller: japanselectgoodsmart ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (43 ratings)
Location: Japan


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China Taiwan 2013 Qing Dynasty Embroidery Peacock SILK Stamps set MNH

Seller: magicshopjj ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.5% (893 ratings)
Location: China


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Taiwan 1955 Freedom Day Stamps Study R31806

Seller: trade-price-stamps-2015 ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.9% (29,730 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom

$10.46 or best offer

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Taiwan 1955 Freedom Day Stamps Study R31803

Seller: trade-price-stamps-2015 ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.9% (29,730 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom

$10.46 or best offer

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The Club UTL800 Utility Lock,​ 13.25"-20.25",​ Yellow

Seller: ezad2315 ★★★★★★★★★★ 97.4% (619 ratings)
Location: United States


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