Brunei Japan occupation stamps from WWII for philatelists

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Brunei Japan occupation stamps
from WWII for philatelists


In World War II, Japan occupied Brunei, and overprinted Bruneian postage stamps with Japanese. In 1942, the first such stamps were created, with a simple overprint. In 1944, the overprint was slightly changed, and a surcharge was added, to a 1 cent Brunei stamp.

The 1942 overprints were printed right to left: 府政国帝本日大, read “Dai-nippon Teikoku Seifu“, translates as Great Japan Empire Government. The 1944 overprints were in three sections, again read right to left: at the top, 本日大 (“Dai-nippon“, Great Japan); at the bottom, 便郵国帝 (“Teikoku Yuubin“, Imperial Postal Service); in the middle, in larger characters, was the surcharge — 参弗 (“san doru” or $3).

These Japanese occupation are of great interest to collectors both of Bruneian and Japanese stamps, and of the various occupation stamps of World War 2. Our current selection of these historically significant stamps can be found in this section. 

Brunei Japan occupation stamps and postal collectibles for sale

Currently showing our top 23 sales from eBay. Click for shipping details and money-back guarantee info. Brunei Japan occupation stamps and postal collectibles listings are chosen using MegaMinistore's original custom technology. We show you only the latest and best offers from safe, trusted vendors. Listings are updated and refreshed every day.

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Showing 1 - 10 of 23

M23542 Brunei Japanese Occupation 1942 SGJ1 1c black in marginal block of 4 UMM

Seller: upa-global-price-drop-shop-system ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (17,178 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom


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M23546 Brunei - Japanese Occupation 1942 SGJ10 8c red in a block of 4. UMM

Seller: upa-global-price-drop-shop-system ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (17,178 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom


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M23545 Brunei - Japanese Occupation 1942 SGJ10 8c red in a block of 4. UMM

Seller: upa-global-price-drop-shop-system ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (17,178 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom


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M110 Brunei - Japanese Occupation 1942 SGJ1 1c black UMM Cat £10

Seller: upa-global-price-drop-shop-system ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (17,178 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom


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M112 Brunei - Japanese Occupation 1942 SGJ10 8c red. UMM Cat £10

Seller: upa-global-price-drop-shop-system ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (17,178 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom


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7644 Brunei SG J6 Japanese Occupation Set of 4 1942. Mint MH. C£26

Seller: blackheathstamps ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.8% (4,426 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom

42% OFF
$38.02 or best offer

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M6255 Brunei-Japanese Occupation 1942 SGJ10 - 8c red marginal PLATE block of 4.

Seller: upa-global-price-drop-shop-system ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (17,178 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom

22% OFF
$35.33 or best offer

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M6254 Brunei-Japanese Occupation 1942 SGJ10 - 8c red bottom marginal block of 4

Seller: upa-global-price-drop-shop-system ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (17,178 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom

22% OFF

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M6253 Brunei-Japanese Occupation 1942 SGJ1 - 1c black corner block of 4.

Seller: upa-global-price-drop-shop-system ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (17,178 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom

22% OFF

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Brunei japanese occupation 1942 SGJ4 3c green River View with ovpt FU

Seller: koalastamps ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (7,186 ratings)
Location: Australia 

$47.15 or best offer

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