Antique and Collectible Ship’s Clocks

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Antique and Collectible
Ship’s Clocks


An antique ship’s clock is one of the most collectible and beautiful nautical pieces that can be purchased. A well-made, beautifully-designed ship’s clock can set the tone for a modern boat’s decor or be the centerpiece of nautically-themed room in a house or office.

Companies like Chelsea, Seth Thomas, and Schatz have been making quality ship’s clock pieces for years, and it is these, along with a smattering of others, that are the focus for collectors and decorators these days. Other popular ship’s clock items come from the former Soviet Union and from other Navies around the globe. These examples are generally rarer, if not more expensive, and will only show up occasionally in our listings here at Mega Ministore.

Browse 528 current Ship's clocks for sale offers here

We feature dozens of antique ship’s clock and nautical timepieces from all eras in all price ranges. Look through our listings and keep checking back if necessary to find the exact one that suits your needs. 

Ship's clocks for sale

Currently showing our favorite 528 sales from eBay vendors. Click for shipping details and money-back guarantee info. Ship's clocks listings are chosen using MegaMinistore's original custom technology. We show you only the latest and best sales from safe, trusted vendors. Offers are updated and refreshed every day.

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Showing 121 - 130 of 528

US Navy Chelsea Clock Co. Boston AS IS Not Working Mounted in Wood Ships Wheel

Seller: scotty_shasta ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.2% (5,135 ratings)
Location: United States

$375.00 or best offer

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SCHATZ Brass Ship's Thermometer / Compensated Barometer in Wood Wheel

Seller: digginforgoldtradingpost2014 ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (819 ratings)
Location: United States

$89.99 or best offer

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Vintage Chelsea Ships Bell 4 1/2 Clock Nickel With Key

Seller: thobe6331
Location: United States

$900.00 or best offer

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USNavy Seth Thomas Ships Clock

Seller: georggoodal-0 ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (31 ratings)
Location: United States

$245.00 or best offer

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Vintage Solid Brass Seth Thomas Corsair Style Gimbal Marine Ship Clock 4''

Seller: royalenterprises9 ★★★★★★★★★★ 89.5% (15 ratings)
Location: India

$89.00 or best offer

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Schatz vintage maritime ship clocks

Seller: vortx72
Location: United States

$110.00 or best offer

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Antique Chelsea Brass Desk Clock great working condition

Seller: joszu8103 ★★★★★★★★★★ 97.6% (110 ratings)
Location: United States

$365.00 or best offer

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Vintage Chelsea Brass Ships Bell Clock Wilfred White W/Stand Key Works 4" Dial

Seller: sugnid ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (13,719 ratings)
Location: United States

$699.99 or best offer

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Antique Chelsea New York Pilot Brass Yacht Wheel Ships Bell Clock Desk Mantle

Seller: greennovation ★★★★★★★★★★ 98.6% (10,708 ratings)
Location: United States

$649.00 or best offer

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Vintage Seth Thomas Brass Ship Clock With Key Wood Mount Plaque Rope

Seller: historyofalaska ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (5,246 ratings)
Location: United States

$250.00 or best offer

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121 - 130 of 528

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