Cambodian orange zircon exquisite gemstones

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Cambodian orange zircon
exquisite gemstones


When Cambodian zircon is first mined, it tends to be a dark color such as brown in its natural state. There are many shades and hues found, however, and often zircon from Cambodia is more orange-ish in color. Heating techniques can change the color of these zircon gemstones — resulting in an array of colors including blue and white (colorless) zircon — but for those looking for something a little darker and earthy, orange zircon stones from Cambodia can fit the bill perfectly.

There is much to celebrate about an orange Cambodian zircon — most of all, the stunningly lovely quality of its orange hues and its shifting patterns of light as it is turned and admired. Another key point is that many buyers are not yet tuned in to the loveliness of these orange stones, so there is often less buying competition for those who are more educated in the area of Cambodian gemstones.

More: Cambodian yellow zircon golden gemstones

Sellers often list new offers in the orange Cambodian zircon category, and these offers may represent both loose and mounted stones; the loose pieces may be cut or uncut. 

Orange zircon for sale

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Showing 1 - 10 of 143

Exquisite 935.60 Ct Natural Cambodian Orange Zircon Rough Loose Gemstone

Seller: krsnagems ★★★★★★★★★★ 94.8% (2,927 ratings)
Location: India

12% OFF
$87.99 or best offer

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5 mm Natural Certified 60 Pcs Orange Zircon Round Cut Cambodian Gemstone Lot

Seller: chirag-4208 ★★★★★★★★★★ 99% (679 ratings)
Location: India

11% OFF
$62.58 or best offer

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Natural Orange Zircon Round Cut 80 Pcs 6 mm Cambodian Certified Gemstone Lot

Seller: gravitygems ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.4% (174 ratings)
Location: India

10% OFF
$77.53 or best offer

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Zircon 1.60ct rare aaa orange red pink color 100% natural earth mined Cambodia

Seller: dazzlegem ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (14,526 ratings)
Location: Thailand

$106.26 or best offer

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Zircon 1.58ct rare aaa orange pink color 100% natural earth mined Cambodia

Seller: dazzlegem ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (14,526 ratings)
Location: Thailand

$73.82 or best offer

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Zircon 1.31ct rare aaa reddish orange color 100% natural earth mined Cambodia

Seller: dazzlegem ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (14,526 ratings)
Location: Thailand

$73.82 or best offer

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Zircon 3.08ct Unheated rare aaa reddish orange 100% natural earth mined Cambodia

Seller: dazzlegem ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (14,526 ratings)
Location: Thailand

$114.68 or best offer

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Zircon 1.27ct rare aaa orange hue red color 100% natural earth mined Cambodia

Seller: dazzlegem ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (14,526 ratings)
Location: Thailand

$73.82 or best offer

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1106.5 CT Natural Orange Zircon Rough Certified Cambodia Loose Gemstone 5JRS

Seller: plazagems ★★★★★★★★★★ 95.3% (13,205 ratings)
Location: India

50% OFF

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720.00 Ct Natural Orange Zircon Rough EGL Certified Transparent Loose Gems 5MRG

Seller: plazagems ★★★★★★★★★★ 95.3% (13,205 ratings)
Location: India

50% OFF
$75.00 or best offer

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