Pitcairn Islands rare coins for collectors and other buyers

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Pitcairn Islands rare coins
for collectors and other buyers


The Pitcairn Islands, a very small group of islands in the Polynesia section of the southern Pacific Ocean, uses the coins of the New Zealand dollar for its regular currency, but has issued a few collectors’ coins, usually in silver or gold, for the international numismatist market.

The first Pitcairn Islands coins were minted in 1988 and were made of copper and nickel. Since 1997, the Pitcairn Islands has stepped up its collectors coins scheme, though the number of different designs and denominations is still small compared with other Oceanian countries and territories.

Denominations of Pitcairn Islands coins

Some coin collectors may try to collect at least one of each denomination that the Pitcairn Islands have issued:
Dollar: 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 250

The highest denomination, $250, is reserved for gold proofs; most others are silver. Pitcairn Islands coins tend to show an image of Queen Elizabeth II on the obverse and various commemorated subjects on the reverse. 

Pitcairn Islands coins for sale

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Showing 11 - 20 of 182

2021 Pitcairn Island Beano Official 50p Coin Collection Pack 70th Anniversary

Seller: pennies-2-pounds ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (17,469 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom

15% OFF
$65.72 or best offer

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Pitcairn 1989 HMAV Bounty 50 Dollars 5oz Silver Coin,​Proof

Seller: silvermountaincj ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.8% (1,830 ratings)
Location: United States

10% OFF

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Pitcairn 2011 Rabbit Clock 2 Dollars 1oz Silver Coin,​Proof

Seller: wucoinbanknote ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (39,859 ratings)
Location: China

10% OFF

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Pitcairn 2013 Best Show 2 Dollars Silver Coin,​Proof

Seller: wucoinbanknote ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (39,859 ratings)
Location: China

10% OFF

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Pitcairn 1997 Order of The Garter 5 Dollars Silver Coin,​Proof

Seller: wucoinbanknote ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (39,859 ratings)
Location: China

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Pitcairn 2011 Golden Wedding 2 Dollars Silver Coin,​Proof

Seller: wucoinbanknote ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (39,859 ratings)
Location: China

10% OFF

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Pitcairn 1988 Drafting of Constitution 50 Dollars 5oz Silver Coin,​Proof

Seller: wucoinbanknote ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (39,859 ratings)
Location: China

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Pitcairn 1988 Constitution 50 Dollars 5oz Silver Coin,​Proof,​With Box COA

Seller: wucoinbanknote ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (39,859 ratings)
Location: China

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Pitcairn 2009 Humpback Whale 2 Dollars 1oz Silver Coin,​Proof

Seller: wucoinbanknote ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (39,859 ratings)
Location: China

10% OFF

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Pitcairn 1990 Establishment of Settlement 50 Dollars 5oz Silver Coin,​Proof

Seller: wucoinbanknote ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (39,859 ratings)
Location: China

10% OFF

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11 - 20 of 182

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