Hey there, coin enthusiasts! Stanley here, the coin collector with a time machine. Today, I’m sharing my latest trip, where I traveled back to Yemen in 1942 to get some coins.
Now, you may wonder why Yemen in 1942? Well, heard they had some unique coins there that could fetch a high price on eBay. So, off I went in my trusty time machine.
Let me tell you, the experience was anything but smooth. As soon as I landed in Sana’a, I felt a wave of sadness hit me. The place was dusty and dry, and the people looked like they had just come out of a famine. It was like being in a metaphorical desert with no oasis in sight.
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As I walked around town, I saw these big guys who looked like they had one foot in the grave. They were coughing and wheezing, and it made me feel like I was in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Definitely not the kind of people who’d have coins lying around for me to collect.
But I didn’t give up that easily. I used my usual tactic of performing magic tricks with my deck of cards, and it actually worked! People started gathering around, and before I knew it, I had a small crowd of Yemeni locals, all mesmerized by my tricks. It was like being a celebrity in a land of nobodies. And donate they did.
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One person who stood out from the rest was a short young woman with big eyes that looked like she’d seen a ghost. She was completely captivated by my magic, and we ended up having a long chat.
When it was time to leave, I set my time machine and, much to my surprise, had no problems coming back to the present day. Jumping through those wormholes without any pesky side effects.
And that’s how I got my hands on some rare Yemeni coins, folks. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. In the end I decided not to eBay them, just keep them. So it goes, sometimes.
More on MegaMinistore: Armenia rare coins for collectors and other buyers
So, if you’re looking to build your own Yemen coin collection, I say great. You never know what you might find. Until next time, happy coin collecting!