Hey, folks! It’s Stanley, your friendly time-traveling coin collector. If you’re new to my blog, welcome! I collect coins and sometimes sell them on eBay, but here’s the catch: I use a homemade time machine to go back in time and get coins that are no longer in circulation. And today, I’m going to tell you about my latest adventure to get Curaçao coins.
I did my market research and found out that Curaçao coins are in high demand among collectors, especially those who collect coins from former Dutch colonies. I knew I had to get my hands on some, so I set my sights on this beautiful island in the Caribbean.
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Curaçao has a rich history, and its coins reflect that. They feature different designs, from the portrait of Queen Beatrix to the country’s flag and coat of arms. But here’s the thing: I knew I’d have a hard time finding them in change. But that didn’t deter me.
So, I hopped in my time machine and traveled back to a small village called Lagun, located on the west side of the island. Lagun is a small fishing village with a rocky beach and crystal-clear water. The weather was hot and humid, but I loved it. It was a welcome change from the Canadian weather I’m used to.
More on MegaMinistore: Malta coins: Collectibles from a Mediterranean island
I spent two days trying to get my hands on some Curaçao coins. I went to stores, restaurants, and markets, but no luck. I was getting frustrated, and I thought I’d have to go home empty-handed. But on the second day, I walked into a small convenience store and bought a bag of chips. When I got my change, I saw something shiny, and I knew I had hit the jackpot.
But getting the coins wasn’t the end of my adventure. When I tried to return to the present day, my time machine malfunctioned, and I was stuck in Curaçao. With some quick thinking and a little bit of luck, I managed to fix the time machine and make it back home.
More: Curaçao rare stamps for philatelists and other buyers
When I got back to Canada, I decided to give the coins to my collector friend, Alex. He’s a passionate collector and a great guy. But the reason I gave him the coins wasn’t that I didn’t want them. It’s because I realized that collecting coins is more than just having them. It’s about sharing the joy and passion with others. And that’s why I do what I do.