Canada rare coins for collectors and other buyers


Canada rare coins
for collectors and other buyers


Canadian coin history begins with various tokens issued by local provincial banks, generally in the early-to-mid 1800s. The provinces of Upper Canada and Lower Canada each issued their own penny tokens until combining into a single province in 1841; other early coins and tokens of Canada include those of Magdalen Island from 1815, adapted real coins from Prince Edward Island, and tokens from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

Eventually, other provinces like Newfoundland (now called Newfoundland and Labrador) and British Columbia issued their own coins. In addition, since the establishment of Canada as a confederation, several modern commemorative coins have been issued, including silver and gold proofs, for each of Canada’s provinces and territories. In addition to the areas mentioned above, see our coin sections for Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Yukon, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territories for collectible Canadian coins as well as the occasional local token or medallion.

More: Aland Islands coins collecting guide: Daler and euros of Ahvenanmaa

In 1988, Calgary in Alberta hosted the Winter Olympics, and Vancouver in British Columbia followed suit in 2010. Several special coins and coin sets for collectors were issued to fund and commemorate these events. See the various listings in our subcategories to find some excellent Canadian coins for sale of all types and in all price ranges. The selection includes coins for sale from a large variety of sellers from around the internet, and is updated several times daily. 

Rare Canada coins for sale

Currently showing our favorite 3,232 offers from eBay sellers, and our favorite 12 offers from Amazon vendors. Click for shipping details and money-back guarantee info. Rare Canada coins listings are chosen using MegaMinistore's original custom technology. We show you only the latest and best listings from safe, trusted vendors. Sales are updated and refreshed every day.

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Showing 1 - 10 of 3,244

1964 Royal Canadian Mint 1 Dollar Silver Canada Coin. Celebrating Charlottetown & Quebec Conferences- Creation Of Canada. Minted Under Queen Elizabeth II. 1 Dollar,​ Guaranteed and Monetized By Government Of Canada. Graded By Seller Circulated Condition

Seller: nikkiesavage ★★★★★★★★★★ 97.2% (189 ratings)
Location: United States



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1992 CANADA SASKATCHEWAN UK Queen Elizabeth II Proof Silver 25 Cent Coin i109093

Seller: highrating_lowprice ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (27,325 ratings)
Location: United States

50% OFF
$93.50 or best offer

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Collectible Coin Canada 2003 50 Cents Silver NGC Proof 69 Ultra Cameo Yukon NG1606

Seller: SuperCore Inc ★★★★★★★★★★ 95% (121 ratings)
Location: United States


In Stock

1989 CANADA UK Queen Elizabeth II Mackenzie River CANOE Proof SILVER Coin i98747

Seller: highrating_lowprice ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (27,325 ratings)
Location: United States

50% OFF
$198.50 or best offer

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Collectible Coin France 1948 Franc Saint Pierre & Miquelon 196891

Seller: SuperCore Inc ★★★★★★★★★★ 95% (121 ratings)
Location: United States


In Stock

1989 CANADA UK Queen Elizabeth II Mackenzie River CANOE Proof SILVER Coin i98918

Seller: highrating_lowprice ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (27,325 ratings)
Location: United States

50% OFF
$348.50 or best offer

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Canadian coin,​ Ships Colonies & Commerce,​ Prince Edward Island PE-10CI,​ EF,​ 1835

Seller: Eternity Gallery ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (3 ratings)
Location: United States


In Stock

1989 CANADA UK Queen Elizabeth II Mackenzie River CANOE Proof SILVER Coin i85656

Seller: highrating_lowprice ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (27,325 ratings)
Location: United States

50% OFF
$348.50 or best offer

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Collectible Coin Canada 2001 50 Cents Silver NGC Proof 70 Ultra Cameo Quebec Perfect 70 NG1605

Seller: SuperCore Inc ★★★★★★★★★★ 95% (121 ratings)
Location: United States


In Stock

1989 CANADA UK Elizabeth II Mackenzie River CANOE Proof-like SILVER Coin i98785

Seller: highrating_lowprice ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (27,325 ratings)
Location: United States

50% OFF
$198.50 or best offer

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1 - 10 of 3,244

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