Yaudheya Gana rare coins for collectors and other buyers

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Yaudheya Gana rare coins
for collectors and other buyers


Yaudheya coins, of the groups that made up the “Yaudheya Gana” confederation of northern India, often feature standing figures. The Yaudheyas were Hindus whose power lasted from about 500 BC to about 1200 AD, though their period of greatest power was shorter, about 200 BC — 400 AD.

Yaudheya coins are often available in the marketplace and in most cases are very affordable to most buyers (often less than $10 each).

Our current selection of ancient Yaudheya Gana coins for sale is in this section. We update the listings daily so check back often. 

Yaudheya coins for sale

Currently showing our top 18 sales from eBay. Click for shipping details and money-back guarantee info. Yaudheya coins listings are chosen using MegaMinistore's original custom technology. We show you only the latest and best offers from safe, trusted vendors. Listings are updated and refreshed every day.

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