Hong Kong Edward VII coins for collectors and other buyers

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Hong Kong Edward VII coins
for collectors and other buyers


Britain’s King Edward VII reigned from 1901, after the death of Queen Victoria, until his own death in 1910. Hong Kong, a British colony throughout this era, issued several coins featuring Edward VII’s image. Hong Kong coin collectors often look for coins from this time and from this king when completing a set of a specific denomination of coin, a Hong Kong coin from each British monarch before HK was returned to China in 1997, or whatever other approach a certain collector may take when building a Hong Kong coin collection. Some coin collectors may also hunt for Hong Kong postage stamps of Edward VII.

Denominations of coins issued during the King Edward VII era include a 1 cent coin of bronze; a 5-cent coin made of silver; a 10-cent coin; and 20- and 50-cent coins — these last three also of silver. There were no dollar coins issued in Hong Kong by Edward VII.

Browse 204 current King Edward VII coins for sale offers here

All Hong Kong coins under King Edward VII were minted between 1902 and 1905, so getting a complete set is within the realm of possibility for most collectors if they so wish. Edward VII coins from Hong Kong for sale are added often to online sales listings. 

King Edward VII coins for sale

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Showing 1 - 10 of 204

1905 King Edward VII Hong Kong Silver 5 Cents Coin High Grade

Seller: jwb-coins-24-7 ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.8% (43,650 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom

15% OFF

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1904 Hong Kong 香毫 一港 Silver Coin 10 Cents King Edward VII Emperor KM# 13

Seller: estateliquidation ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (7,451 ratings)
Location: United States

$71.99 or best offer

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1911 Edward VII One 1 Hong Kong British Trade Dollar Silver 900) 26.95g 39 mm

Seller: simply-coins ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (7,513 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom

$227.77 or best offer

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1905 H Hong Kong One Cents 1c Edward VII Bronze Coin KM 11

Seller: svcoinjewel63 ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.6% (3,572 ratings)
Location: United States


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1904 Edward VII Hong Kong One Cent coin,​ Heaton Mint [30459]

Seller: 1965philipm13 ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (13,464 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom


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1903 Hong Kong 10 Cents Edward VII 0.800 Silver Coin KM# 13

Seller: svcoinjewel63 ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.6% (3,572 ratings)
Location: United States


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HONG KONG BRITISH 10 Cents 1904 Silver coin King Edward VII

Seller: beau-54179 ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (2 ratings)
Location: United States

$30.00 or best offer

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1905 H 1 Cent Hong Kong China Bronze Coin (Edward VII)

Seller: joy4ft9 ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (14,014 ratings)
Location: United States

$20.00 or best offer

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Hong Kong 1905 One Cent King Edward VII 249-551

Seller: nomisxlnce ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (7,351 ratings)
Location: United States


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Hong Kong 1903 bronze One Cent Edward VII Kayihan Coins T152

Seller: kayihancoins ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.8% (6,656 ratings)
Location: United Kingdom

$4.68 or best offer

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