The dupondius coin of ancient Rome was worth half of a sestertius, and it has proven to be popular with modern collectors. Dupondius coins, however, are not quite as popular as the sestertius is in the marketplace; because of this, it can be fun to work on a collection of dupondius coins since there is somewhat less competition for them. Rare ones, of course, will be hotly contested as expected. Good luck!
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Dupondius rare Roman coins and
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Dupondius coins for sale
Currently showing our top 151 listings from eBay, and our top 1 listing from Amazon vendors. Click for shipping details and money-back guarantee info. Dupondius coins listings are chosen using MegaMinistore's original custom technology. We show you only the latest and best listings from safe, trusted sellers. Sales are updated and refreshed every day.
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OSC Antoninus Pius Bronze Dupondius Coin (153AD) Ancient Roman Empire with Certificate of Authenticity (SKU 47G)

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NERO Authentic Ancient 65AD Rome Genuine OLD Roman Coin SC SECURITAS i100499

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$1,297.00$648.50 or best offer
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$1,197.00$598.50 or best offer
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TRAJAN Builds AQUEDUCT the AQUA TRAIANA 112AD Rome Ancient Roman Coin NGC i81423

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$997.00$498.50 or best offer
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NERO & DRUSUS Caesars on Horse Authentic Ancient Rome Genuine Roman Coin i105505

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$1,697.00$848.50 or best offer
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AUGUSTUS - (died A.D.14) Restitution Issue of Titus. Dupondius. Rev-Victory. gVF

$439.46 or best offer
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GAUL, Nemausus. Augustus, with Agrippa. 27 BC-AD 14. Æ Dupondius (26mm, 13.21g)

$500.00 or best offer
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244-249 Roman Empire Dupondius Philip I Coin Elephant and Rider (MO3917-)

$454.00 or best offer
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RARE MINT ERROR DOUBLE STRUCK Nero Dupondius Ancient Roman Empire Old Coin Neron

$449.99 or best offer
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Nero AE Dupondius Rome 62-68 AD Victory reverse

$550.00 or best offer
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