Antoniniani were first made of silver but were debased to bronze within a few years. While obviously less precious than the silver variety, bronze antoniniani still have quite a few fans in the coin-collecting world. Numerous enough to be easy to find, and with a bronze makeup that makes them more generally affordable, these kinds of antoninianus coins are popular in the marketplace.
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Bronze antoninianus rare Roman coins
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Antoninianus bronze coins for sale
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Probus. (276-282 AD). Æ Antoninianus Antioch Clementia Roman Coin Ancient w/COA

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$70.00$47.60 or best offer
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Carinus. (283-285 AD). Æ Antoninianus Antioch Roman Coin MUCH SIVLERING w/COA

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$88.00$61.60 or best offer
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Gallienus BI Antoninianus. (20mm, 4.2 g) Antioch, AD 267. GALLIENVS IOV Coin

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$66.00$46.20 or best offer
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Gallienus, 253-268. Antoninianus SCARCE Reverse AEQVITAS Roman Coin w/COA

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$69.00$48.30 or best offer
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AURELIAN. Antoninian. (Ae. 5.38g / 23mm). 274-275 AD Serdica. Roman Coin wCOA

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Probus (276-282) AE silvered Antoninianus Clementia Roman Coin w/COA Ancient

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$52.00$36.40 or best offer
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Gallienus AD 253-268. Antioch Antoninianus Æ (21mm, 3.9 g Sol Roman Coin wCOA

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$77.00$53.90 or best offer
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Genuine Ancient Roman Coin CONSTANTIUS II, 337-361 AD. AE Half Cent Alexandria

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$44.00$30.80 or best offer
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Certified Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Probus, 276-282. Antoninianus Clementia H

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$55.00$38.50 or best offer
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Gallienus. A.D. 253-268. AE antoninianus Altar PXC Salus Roman Coin w/COA

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$55.00$38.50 or best offer
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