Galba rare Roman coins for collectors and other buyers

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Galba rare Roman coins
for collectors and other buyers


Emperor Galba, a.k.a. Imperator Servius Galba Caesar Augustus, came to power in ancient Rome after Nero‘s suicide in June 68. Galba was himself killed the following January, when Otho began a reign that would last a mere three months; despite Galba’s short reign, there were at least two coins made reflecting his time as emperor.

Check to see what authentic ancient Galba coins are for sale now, and also be aware that you may be able to find some modern replicas of Galba coins. 

Galba coins for sale

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Showing 1 - 10 of 140

Galba Roman Empire Caesar 68-69 ADÆ As Coin NGC AG,​ SCARCE YEAR OF 4 EMPERORS

Seller: historical-treasures-rare-coins ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (4,097 ratings)
Location: United States

20% OFF

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Vitellius 69 AD Roman Empire Denarius Silver Coin,​ Caesar Only 8 Months,​ NGC VG

Seller: historical-treasures-rare-coins ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (4,097 ratings)
Location: United States

10% OFF

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Galba 68-69 AD Silver TETRADRACHM,​ Roman Empire Egypt Alexandria Coin NGC SCARCE

Seller: historical-treasures-rare-coins ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (4,097 ratings)
Location: United States

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Vitellius 69 AD Roman Empire AR Denarius Silver Coin,​ Caesar Only 8 Months,​ NGC

Seller: historical-treasures-rare-coins ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (4,097 ratings)
Location: United States

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Ancient Roman Empire Galba AR Denarius Silver Coin 68-69 AD - Good Fine / VF

Seller: eternitycoin ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.9% (30,711 ratings)
Location: United States

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Galba AE Sestertius,​ 68 AD; RIC-387,​ Roman Imperial Coin

Seller: upstartcoins ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (2,216 ratings)
Location: Canada

$401.00 or best offer

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ROMAN EMPIRE. Galba. AD 68-69. Orichalcum Sestertius,​ NGC Good

Seller: holding_history ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (41,983 ratings)
Location: United States

$285.00 or best offer

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ROMAN EMPIRE. Galba. AD 68-69. Æ Sestertius,​ good portrait,​ NGC Good

Seller: holding_history ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (41,983 ratings)
Location: United States

$265.00 or best offer

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ROMAN EMPIRE. Galba. AD 68-69. Orichalcum Sestertius,​ NGC AG

Seller: holding_history ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (41,983 ratings)
Location: United States

$235.00 or best offer

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Roman Provincial ae18 Bronze Coin of Galba PHRYGIA Cotiaeum CYBELE

Seller: taterthecat ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.9% (13,049 ratings)
Location: United States

$269.99 or best offer

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