Augustus rare Roman coins for collectors and other buyers

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Augustus rare Roman coins
for collectors and other buyers


The coins of Imperator Gaius Julius Divi Filius Caesar Octavianus Augustus, generally known simply as AVGVSTVS, are of special interest to many ancient Roman coin collectors because Augustus coins were the first in the new Roman Empire years, of which Augustus is usually considered the first emperor.

Augustus ruled from BC 27 until AD 14, dying at age 75 having ruled for over forty years. When Augustus died, his stepson Tiberius took over (Augustus had married Tiberius’ mother), issuing his own coins. 

Augustus coins for sale

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Showing 1 - 10 of 246

Ancient Roman Empire VITELLIUS Tripod Altar With Raven Dolphin RARE DENARIUS!

Seller: yousave2005 ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (4,533 ratings)
Location: United States

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SEVERINA Authentic Ancient 279AD Ticinum Genuine Roman Coin CONCORDIA i84460

Seller: highrating_lowprice ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (27,338 ratings)
Location: United States

50% OFF
$648.50 or best offer

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PROBUS 276AD Authentic Ancient Roman Coin PAX Peace Cult i52086

Seller: highrating_lowprice ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (27,338 ratings)
Location: United States

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$575.00 or best offer

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Augustus Cistophorus / Tetradrachm Anacs F-15 & David Sear Graded Ancient Coin

Seller: silverbug..gem..cameo ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.9% (34,878 ratings)
Location: United States

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PONTUS Amisos Time of Augustus ae26 Bronze Coin AMISOS & ROMA Very Rare

Seller: taterthecat ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.9% (13,126 ratings)
Location: United States

19% OFF
$644.75 or best offer

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Roman Emperor Caligula Authentic Genuine Ancient Bronze Provincial Coin with COA

Seller: sport_authority ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (7,375 ratings)
Location: United States

10% OFF
$269.95 or best offer

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Roman Emperor Caligula Genuine Ancient Coin Pendant 925 Silver Necklace with COA

Seller: sport_authority ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (7,375 ratings)
Location: United States

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$350.96 or best offer

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Roman Emperor Caligula Authentic Genuine Ancient Bronze Provincial Coin with COA

Seller: sport_authority ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (7,375 ratings)
Location: United States

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Roman Emperor Caligula Authentic Genuine Ancient Bronze Provincial Coin with COA

Seller: sport_authority ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (7,375 ratings)
Location: United States

10% OFF
$197.95 or best offer

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Roman Emperor Caligula Genuine Ancient Coin Pendant 925 Silver Necklace with COA

Seller: sport_authority ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (7,375 ratings)
Location: United States

10% OFF
$359.96 or best offer

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