Hello there, fellow coin collectors! It’s Stanley here, a coin enthusiast from Canada. Lately, work has been a pain in the neck, so I decided to take a trip back in time to Niger in 1940. I’ve been to a few neighboring countries before, but I’ve never visited Niger. I was hoping to add some rare coins to my collection or sell them on eBay.
When I arrived, I found myself in a rural area with a few mud-brick buildings, and the weather was hot and dry. I was a bit nervous, not knowing exactly where I was in Niger. However, I cleverly used the position of the sun and moon to determine my approximate location. That astronomy course pays off.
Browse 25 current Niger coins for sale offers here
I ended up in a small village called Magaria, which surprised me because I expected to land in a more prominent city. At the time, Niger was a French colony, and the country was mostly agrarian with subsistence farming and a small number of industrial workers.
To get some coins, I tried a simple street performance that I thought would work well in this part of the world. I put on a little show using a few tricks and some sleight of hand, hoping to entertain the locals and get a few coins. One person gave me some coins, but they were not particularly rare. I decided to call it a day and head back to the present.
See also: Malta coins: Collectibles from a Mediterranean island
After my trip, I decided to auction some of the coins on eBay and sell others to fellow collectors. I was able to get a good price for some of the coins, but others weren’t worth much. It was all worth it in the end, though.
Looking back, I can truly say that Niger was a unique and interesting place. I won’t say that it was a walk in the park, but it was worth every penny. Niger may not have given me the rare coins I was hoping for, but I encourage all fellow collectors to give it a try and enjoy their own collections of coins from this fascinating country.