Hey there, friend! My name’s Stanley, and I’m a coin collector from Canada. You might know me as the guy who has a time machine that he built himself. Pretty cool, huh? But today, I wanna tell you about something that happened to me. I woke up this morning feeling like a slug covered in syrup. My head was throbbing so hard, I thought my brain was gonna ooze out my ears. It was a real bummer, man.
Anyway, let’s talk about Gabon collectible coins. I went there in my time machine back in 2015. But before I get to that, let me tell you about my time machine’s funky attitude that day. It acted like a total diva, like it had something stuck up its circuit boards. It kept beeping and flashing red lights like a toddler having a tantrum. It was a real pain in the you-know-what, but I managed to get it to work eventually.
See also: Antoninianus rare Roman coins and ancient numismatic collectibles
So, I land in Gabon, right? But not where I wanted to. I ended up in Mouila, this small town in the middle of the jungle. It was hot as a sauna, and the air was so humid, I felt like I was breathing through a straw. But I didn’t let that stop me. I started doing this goofy dance to get the attention of the locals, hoping to get some spare change for my collection. And you know what? It kinda worked! I got some really cool coins, but then things got weird.
I met this girl, man. She was a big girl. And she had this look in her eyes, like I stole her last cookie or something. I tried to be friendly, but she wouldn’t have any of it. She kept giving me the stink eye like I was a skunk that just walked into her living room. We talked for a bit, but it was awkward as a penguin in a sauna.
More: Gabon Stamps: Philatelic Complexity of a Former French Colony
Eventually, it was time to head back to the present. But of course, my time machine decided to give me more trouble. It was like a stubborn donkey that refused to move. I had to smack it a few times and give it some sweet-talk before it finally worked. Phew! I was so relieved to get back to my own time.
Anyway, I kept those Gabon collectible coins. They were too cool to give up, even though they gave me a hard time getting them. And if you wanna start your own Gabon coin collection, check out some online stores or go to coin shows. Trust me, it’s way easier than building your own time machine.
Browse 174 current Gabon coins for sale offers here
So, there you have it, folks! My adventure in Gabon, where the coins were cool, the people were tough, and my time machine acted like a teenager on a sugar rush. Keep on collecting those coins, and maybe one day you’ll have a collection as awesome as mine.