Howdy there, folks! It’s Stanley, the time-traveling coin collector, and I’m here to share the story of my latest adventure. This time, I hopped in my trusty time machine and traveled back to Algeria in the year 1910.
When I first arrived, I was a bit disoriented – the landscape was unfamiliar, the people dressed differently, and the architecture was unlike anything I’d seen before. But, being the resourceful guy that I am, I quickly took note of my surroundings and set about figuring out exactly where I was.
After asking a few locals for directions (in my rusty French), I finally determined that I was in the bustling port city of Algiers. From there, I explored the area and got a sense of what life was like in Algeria at the time. According to the history books, Algeria was a French colony at that time, and it was a period of significant change and upheaval. There was a lot of political unrest, and the local Berber people were fighting for independence.
Browse 116 current Algeria coins for sale offers here
But enough about history, let’s talk coins! To get my hands on some of the local currency, I decided to try my luck with a quick street performance. I figured the locals might be interested in seeing a novelty act from a foreigner, and I was right! After a few minutes of juggling and performing some magic tricks, I was able to collect a few coins from the onlookers. Unfortunately, they weren’t particularly rare or valuable, but they were still a neat addition to my collection.
After a few more days of exploring and gathering coins, it was time for me to head back to the present day. I decided to keep some of the coins for my collection, give some to a friend who was also a collector, and sell some on eBay. I always like to share the wealth with my fellow collectors!
See also: Bosnia and Herzegovina coins: Between Yugoslavia and the Euro
As for the eBay sales, I was pleasantly surprised at how much some of the coins were worth. One of the coins I sold was a rare 10 centime piece from the Algiers mint, which fetched a cool $300 at auction. Another coin, a 20 franc piece from 1907, sold for $130. All in all, it was a pretty successful trip!
Looking back, there were definitely some challenges and moments of confusion during my time in Algeria. But that’s all part of the adventure, right? I’m grateful for the experience, and I’m excited to add these new coins to my collection. And who knows? Maybe one of you out there will stumble upon an Algerian coin from 1910 on your own travels someday!