Sri Lanka collectible coins: A true adventure for coin collectors

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Sri Lanka collectible coins
A true adventure for coin collectors


Well, hello there, dear reader. The name’s Stanley, and I’m a coin collector from the land of maple syrup, Canada. You might have heard of me before – I’m the guy with a time machine who goes back in time to grab coins before they become valuable. But enough about me. Let me tell you about this weird incident that happened at the local Tim Hortons the other day.

I was minding my own business, sipping on a double-double, when this lady with a perm that looked like a poodle on steroids started telling me all about her bunions. I mean, who does that? It made me so uncomfortable. I had to pretend that I got an urgent phone call and leave.

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Anyway, back to the main topic of this post – my trip to Sri Lanka and 2001. I figured it was the perfect time to go back and snatch up some coins from the country. So, I hopped into my time machine, set the dials, and off I went.

The time travel was as smooth as anything – not a single glitch or hiccup. When I arrived in Sri Lanka, I found myself in a little town called Hikkaduwa, which was located on the southwest coast of the island. It was like nothing I’d ever seen before – the ocean on one side, the jungle on the other – like a scene straight out of a National Geographic magazine. And let me tell you, the locals were just as exotic.

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As soon as I stepped out of the time machine, a tall lady with a face like a Picasso painting approached me. She looked bewildered, like I was the first time traveler she’d ever seen. Maybe it was because I was wearing a plaid shirt and jeans, and not some fancy-pants time traveler getup. But after a few minutes of awkward silence, we got to chatting, and I did my usual mime routine to get some spare change out of her. It worked like a charm, and I was off to the next person.

That’s when I saw him – a small man who looked like he had a face made of stone. He seemed bored out of his mind, like he’d rather be watching paint dry than dealing with a time traveler. But I could tell he was eyeing me suspiciously, so I did my best to avoid him and move on to the next person.

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Luckily, my mime routine worked like a charm on most of the locals, and I was able to snag some coins for my collection. And let me tell you, those coins were like gold to me. I held onto them with a grip tighter than a vise – I knew they were going to be worth a pretty penny someday. Well, now. The future. Whatever.

But then, as I was trying to make my way back to the present day, things went haywire. My time machine glitched out, and I was stuck in some kind of temporal loop for what felt like an eternity. It was like being trapped in a never-ending episode of The Twilight Zone. I was starting to feel like I’d never see the light of today again.

Browse 185 current Sri Lanka coins for sale offers here

But eventually, I was able to reset the machine and make my way back to the present day. And let me tell you, it was a relief to be back. I kept those Sri Lanka coins close to my chest – they were like a trophy to me, a testament to my time traveling prowess.

Thank for reading! You’re the best. Have fun with your own Sri Lanka coin collecting. 

Sri Lanka coins for sale

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Showing 1 - 10 of 185

Coin Sets of All Nations Sri Lanka UNC 1978-1988 5 Rupees 1986 1989.05.13

Seller: rapunzzel ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.8% (21,187 ratings)
Location: United States

33% OFF

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Coin Sets of All Nations Sri Lanka w/card UNC 1978-1988 5 Rupees 1986 1989.05.13

Seller: rapunzzel ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.8% (21,187 ratings)
Location: United States

33% OFF

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Coin Sets of All Nations Sri Lanka w/card UNC 1978-1988 5 Rupees 1986 1993.04.07

Seller: rapunzzel ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.8% (21,187 ratings)
Location: United States

33% OFF

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Coin Sets of All Nations Sri Lanka UNC 1975-1988 5 Rupees 1986 1989.05.13

Seller: rapunzzel ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.8% (21,187 ratings)
Location: United States

33% OFF

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144 Coin Lot 1879 - 2013 From 21 Pacific Countries,​ Islands,​ & Oceania VG - BU

Seller: sana2312 ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.5% (1,047 ratings)
Location: United States

$275.00 or best offer

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Seller: enjoytreasure ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (84,954 ratings)
Location: Portugal

$19.48 or best offer

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Seller: enjoytreasure ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (84,954 ratings)
Location: Portugal

$18.98 or best offer

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1963 Ceylon 25c Cent Coin Sri Lanka Elizabeth II w/ Coat of Arms #77

Seller: redlockcoin ★★★★★★★★★★ 99.8% (19,858 ratings)
Location: United States

$8.95 or best offer

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🧭 🇱🇰 SRI LANKA 25 CENTS 1893 SILVER B49 #188

Seller: enjoytreasure ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (84,954 ratings)
Location: Portugal

$17.85 or best offer

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Seller: thehoardersdotter ★★★★★★★★★★ 100% (94 ratings)
Location: United States

$110.00 or best offer

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