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Oceania rare stamps
for philatelists and other buyers
Rare Oceania stamps and postal collectibles for sale
(F253-6) 1985 Australia part set of 33stamps FRAMA Kangaroo on paper (F)

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$188.61$37.72 or best offer
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(F205-73) 1959 Victoria £1 pound orange stamp duty O/P cattle (BW) (SW91)

80% OFF
$188.61$37.72 or best offer
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(F253-8) 1985 Australia part set of 35stamps FRAMA Kangaroo 1c to $1 (H)

80% OFF
$188.61$37.72 or best offer
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(F253-7) 1985 Australia part set of 35stamps FRAMA Kangaroo 1c to $1 (G)

80% OFF
$188.61$37.72 or best offer
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(F253-10) 1985 Austrmix of 30stamps FRAMA Kangaroo design (inc roller flaws) (J)

80% OFF
$188.61$37.72 or best offer
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(F250-100) 1990 Australia mix of 27stamps FRAMA 1c Koala design (CY)

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$157.18$31.44 or best offer
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F253-17) 1986 Australia part set of 40stamps FRAMA Platypus 1c to $1 (Q)

80% OFF
$251.48$50.30 or best offer
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(F253-14) 1986 Australia part set of 40stamps FRAMA Platypus design 1c to $1 (N)

80% OFF
$251.48$50.30 or best offer
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(F253-15) 1956 Australia part set of 40stamps FRAMA Platypus 1c to $1 (O (SW91)

80% OFF
$251.48$50.30 or best offer
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(F231-11) 1898 NZ 5/- red MT Cook stamp (K) (LT46)

80% OFF
$252.48$251.48 or best offer
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